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Upgrade 4.15 cluster to 4.16

There is a known issue taking a cluster from 4.15 to 4.16 due to validation changes that were introduced in Cluster Version Operator which couldn't be backported to 4.15.

In order to allow the upgrade to proceed, we will start an upgrade to 4.16 and then when the error state is achieved, we will intervene and patch component versions to allow the upgrade to finish.

These docs are based off an original set of instructions provided by aleskandro.

Cluster Versions

  • Starting cluster version: 4.15.0-0.okd-2024-03-10-010116
  • Target cluster version: 4.16.0-okd-scos.1

Manual Upgrade

1) Collect OKD payload component references

Use to confirm release manifest for target cluster version

For 4.16.0-okd-scos.1 the release manifest is found at

Collect hyperkube reference

oc adm release info --image-for=hyperkube
  • hyperkube:

Collect cluster-kube-apiserver-operator reference

oc adm release info --image-for=cluster-kube-apiserver-operator
  • cluster-kube-apiserver-operator:

2) Start the OKD 4.15 to 4.16 upgrade

Run the following command to start the cluster upgrade process to this version

oc adm upgrade --allow-explicit-upgrade --force --to-image

3) Wait for upgrade error state to occur

The clusterversion will show failed status shortly after the process starts, cluster-version-operator pod logs or clusterversion operator events will show an error similar to

message: 'Could not update customresourcedefinition "" (47 of 903): the object is invalid, possibly due to local cluster configuration'

4) Scale down Cluster Version Operator for manual intervention

To continue the cluster upgrade process the following steps are required: Scale down the cluster-version-operator to pause the update process oc scale --replicas=0 deployments/cluster-version-operator -n openshift-cluster-version

5) Manually intervene and force Kubernetes API Server upgrade

Modify the openshift-kube-apiserver-operator deployment with

oc edit -n openshift-kube-apiserver-operator deployments/kube-apiserver-operator
  1. Update the kube-apiserver-operator container template with the image reference for the 4.16 cluster-kube-apiserver-operator
image: ''
  1. Update the IMAGE environment variable within the container template with the the image reference for the 4.16 hyperkube
- name: IMAGE
value: ''
  1. Update the OPERATOR_IMAGE environment variable within the container template with the image reference for the 4.16 cluster-kube-apiserver-operator
value: ''
  1. Update the OPERAND_IMAGE_VERSION environment variable within the container template with the value 1.29.6
value: 1.29.6

6) Wait for rollout of kube-apiserver

Wait for the rollout of the new kube-apiserver pods to complete, this process is complete once an installer pod has been created for each node running kube-apiserver after the above changes, the status of these installer pods is 'Completed' and the kube-apiserver cluster operator progressing status is false (this process takes around 3 minutes to start and around 15 minutes to complete on a three node control-plane)

7) Scale up Cluster Version Operator to allow upgrade to continue

Scale up the cluster-version-operator to continue the update process 'oc scale --replicas=1 deployments/cluster-version-operator -n openshift-cluster-version'

The upgrade should then continue without error

Automatic Upgrade


Please take care to review that your cluster is in the expected state before running these scripts. If you only have a few clusters to upgrade consider following the manual process detailed above

The above process and patch can be used to upgrade the cluster if the openshift-kube-apiserver-operator deployment has one container and it's environment variables are in the following order:

- name: IMAGE
- name: POD_NAME

The script relies on the above ordering of the environment variables. If your environment variables within the container template are different then this will not be validated by the script and it could break your cluster.

oc adm upgrade --allow-explicit-upgrade --to-image

sleep 60

oc scale --replicas=0 deployments/cluster-version-operator -n openshift-cluster-version

oc -n openshift-kube-apiserver-operator patch deployment kube-apiserver-operator --type='json' -p='[
{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value": ""},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/0/value", "value": ""},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/1/value", "value": ""},
{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/2/value", "value": "1.29.6"}

sleep 180

oc wait clusteroperators kube-apiserver --for=condition=Progressing=false --timeout=600s

oc scale --replicas=1 deployments/cluster-version-operator -n openshift-cluster-version