OKD Virtualization Subgroup
The Goal of the OKD Virtualization Subgroup is to provide an integrated solution for classical virtualization users based on OKD, HCO and KubeVirt, including a graphical user interface and deployed using bare metal suited method.
The OKD Virtualization Subgroup is monitoring and integrating the following projects in a user consumable virtualization solution:
- OKD - as the platform
- KubeVirt - as the virtualization plugin
- HyperConverged Cluster Operator (HCO) - for supporting tools
- Rook? (Or whatever the upstream operator is called) for feature rich data storage
- Medik8s and NHC for high-availability
- Konveyor for migration from other platforms
- Faros deploy on small footprint, bare-metal clusters
- UPI first
- Assisted Installer? for easy provisioning of OKD on bare-metal nodes
Mailing List & Slack
OKD Workgroup Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/okd-wg
Slack Channel: #openshift-users
some social activity like a blog post and more upstream documentation
improve reliability of testing and CI on OKD
SIG Membership
- Fabian Deutsch (Red Hat)
- Sandro Bonazzola (Red Hat)
- Simone Tiraboschi (Red Hat)
- Michal Skrivanek (Red Hat)
Resources for the SIG
Automation in place:
HCO main branch gets tested against OKD 4.9: https://github.com/openshift/release/blob/master/ci-operator/config/kubevirt/hyperconverged-cluster-operator/kubevirt-hyperconverged-cluster-operator-main__okd.yaml
HCO precondition job: https://prow.ci.openshift.org/job-history/gs/origin-ci-test/pr-logs/directory/pull-ci-kubevirt-hyperconverged-cluster-operator-main-okd-hco-e2e-image-index-gcp
KubeVirt is uploaded to operatorhub and on community-operators: https://github.com/redhat-openshift-ecosystem/community-operators-prod/tree/main/operators/community-kubevirt-hyperconverged