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OKD Pre-Release Testing July 2024

· One min read

Last month, we announced the transition of all development efforts to OKD on SCOS as part of a plan to ensure OKD's longevity. As of a few weeks ago, nightly builds of OKD SCOS have begun to appear on the OpenShift CI system. We're encouraging the community to test these nightlies in non-production environments. Please note that these nightly pre-release builds are not guaranteed an upgrade path to final releases. These are only for testing purposes.

Additionally, please note that the OKD SCOS nightly builds from January-April 2024 should not be installed. These were just tests of the CI/CD process itself. Only the builds from July 2024 onward should be installed and tested.

You can find more information about our testing needs and how to report your results on the Community Testing page.

Please reach out to us with any questions.

Many thanks,

The OKD Working Group Co-Chairs